A wonderful day at the beach with the family for mothers day!!!
and starbucks on top of it ;)

The beach is kinda boring for a two month old :)

I can't believe he is two months old! The time has gone both ways. It feels like he has always been with us but then I can remember when he was born like it was yesterday!!
I love you our little crabby poof!

(see the crab bubbles coming out of his mouth ;)

Growing so big! Already 14+ pounds and 25 inches long! You love to stand and will not tolerate being put down. You love your new jumperoo. So do mama and papa because you are killing our arms :) I go to work in a week so I am trying to soak up our morning smiles together and our long talks! I love looking at you with a big smile and making you give me a huge open mouth smile back. You melt my heart! You get so excited and your legs cannot stop kicking! When papa gets home from work you get excited and give him big smiles. You cannot take your eyes off him and you tell him all about your day! I dream about our life together and what kind of man you will be! You are going to be so handsome!
I love you poof, your mommy!